Monday 21 July 2008

Norn Iron Notes Beer evening Open Invitation Friday 1st August

Gentle readers from around the world
You are cordially invited to an early evening of beer and geekiosity
On Friday the 1st August from 5:30pm ish to well as late as you want. (I have to get the last train home so it will be 9:30 for me) We are assembling in The Crown Bar and everyone is welcome.
We are just dipping our toes in the water so to speak so anybody and you dont have to be a domino geek wants to have a pint or two and some convivial conversation come on down. I will be the one in the blue "ubergeek" tee shirt, wellingtons and a Charisse tutu (The tutu only gets worn if I loose another 5 pounds next week)

Disqus for Domi-No-Yes-Maybe