Hmmmmm.. there have been a few post LS posts about Domino.Doc and Version 8.*
and to be honest I am confused. Domino.Doc obviously had a limited life as can be seen by the purchase of the Aprix CMS by IBM, which was Domino Based but now appears to have been sucked into Portal.
So wither Domino CMS? Ah Ha! you might exclaim , that's where Quickr comes in. Indeed so , but the basic Quickr toolset is not quite as feature full as the old Domino.Doc was particularly in the workflow engine. You may counter with well there are Quickr connectors to Filenet and IBM Content Manager ... yes indeed there are but again they are in Websphere not Domino..
I notice I am not alone in my concern.... Patrick Picard mentions a slightly different and for him more pressing problem.
I have had a look see on and for the life of me I cannot find anything that defines where Domino.Doc users go now, other than in the broadest of terms and I am left wondering where does all the Domino.Doc data silo'ed in domino servers go now? Do we keep the Domino.Doc server @ V7 whilst the rest of the organisation skips gayly into Version 8 and beyond?
Perhaps someone out there in the blogsphere knows?