Tuesday 3 February 2015

Two Factor Authentication And Smartcloud (Part 3)

Right, moving on...

The 2FA process, first we need to pair the app on the device with the User Id. So let's look at the process that does this.

The aim here is to make the mobile device as anonymous as possible and by that I mean there is nothing on it that will expose the first factor credentials.

  1. When the app installs it is preconfigured with the server's address
  2. The app requests a new DEVID from the server
  3. The server creates a Unique ID and stores it in a session variable
  4. The server then returns the DEVID to the device which stores it in it's own config
  5. The app on receipt prompts the user to go to a URL on their PC and get a passcode
  6. The user goes to the URL on a separate device usually a PC and Logs on using their UserID and Password.
  7. The server generates a 9 digit pass code saves it in the User Record table
  8. The User enters the 9 digit passcode in the prompt on the phone
  9. The app sends the 9 digit code to the server
  10. The server looks for the 9 digit code in the User table
  11. The server then sends a request for more information from the device.
  12. The device responds with DEVID, phone number and IMEI number
  13.  The server then stores this information against the user in the back end DB
  14.  All that is on the app is the DEVID
When this is complete the user has a "paired" device with the server and although the phone knows only that it has a DEVID it knows nothing about the user at all.

When the user's phone is online the app will register it's presence by sending a request to the server saying "I am here and I am online".

So when a user Signs-In and the server decides that 2FA is required (See last post for the logic used to decided this) the following happens:

  1. The server looks up the DEVID associated with the user (who has passed the first factor validation) If there is no DEVID the Sign-In Attempt fails
  2. The server creates a Transaction ID and stores this with the DEVID in a DB table with a status of WAITING
  3. The server sends the Transaction ID back to the browser and the browser starts a timer bases AJAX call to poll the server using the Transaction ID to see if the status changes
  4. Lastly the server pushes an message to the DEVID and the app generates a prompt for the user where they must click OK or CANCEL to continue.
  5. If the app returns the user's response to the server and the response is stored in the Transaction DB as OK or CANCEL. If the request times out with not response then the status on the DB is set to FAILED.
  6. The user's browser has been polling the server looking at the Transaction Table and notes the transaction change. If it changes to OK then the SAML token is constructed and is sent to the Smartcloud server. Any other change results in an error being displayed on the users browser.

    You will note that no information about the phone is sent or stored in the browser and no information about the browser or user is sent to the phone. The connection is conducted through the server.
From a user perspective, they enter their UserID and Password, Click the SIGN IN button if 2FA is required a window will appear telling them to get their 2FA device. They open their device, open the app, tap OK and they are signed on.

YIPPEEEEE! I hear you say you have 2FA up and running.

I know for most of us Geeks we are never far from our mobile devices, we keep them close and do the "WKP" check at least every 5 minutes (WPK== Wallet,Keys,Phone). Users don't they forget their phones, they drop them into toilets, sinks, swimming pools, jacuzzi (with or without buxom ladies) ,bend them, break them, put them in the mircowave (Honestly this happened, to and i quote "Dry it out after I dropped it in a pint of beer" ) , get them stolen ("She seemed like such a nice lady in the bar")... and you can be rest assured that this calamity will occur just when they are expecting an email that they really really really need to read and reply to or "ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE!". I am sure you know what I mean.

Given that we all know what eejits users are we need to give them an alternate method of achieving Sign-In on those occasions when they for whatever reason find themselves without their paired devices and these alternatives I will expand on in the next post.

Two Factor Authentication And Smartcloud (Part 2)

Following on from the last post we had a idea for a solution to the problem of attaching two factory authentication (2FA) to Smartcloud, now what we needed was a more detailed "story" that would define the Sign-In Process we would use.

The first factor

The first factor is "something you know" which for us like nearly every application is the combination of User ID and Password. Smartcloud requires the remote IdP to pass the validated User ID but not the password in the SAML token and this User ID must be the user's email address as it is provisioned in the Smartcloud service.

The password needs to be strong, at least following the 8x4 rule.
8 Characters long and the characters should be a mixture of 4 types

  1. Lower case letters
  2. Upper case letters
  3. Numbers
  4. Special Characters
Any system would have to enforce this minimum policy.

Having a complex password alone does not protect the user's account, Phishing, keyloggers, man-in-the-middle attacks, having someone ask "What's you password?" not to mention the unfortunate habit of saving your Sign-In details in your browser means there is more than a small chance that an account's first factor will be compromised at some time.

The second factor

This is something you have, mitigates against this risk of the first factor being compromised. There are several types of second factor. Dongles that contain PKI Signatures, Biometric Scans and apps that run on a separate device usually a mobile phone or tablet.

USB Dongles are possibly the most secure but unless you have well trained users who do not loose them, do not leave them in the PC and do not figure out a way to save an episode of The Big Bang to it. There is also a cost involved providing everyone in the organisation with the dongle and the PKI certificates.

Biometrics are now becoming popular with fingerprint scan and eye scans. However this is even more expensive than the USB Dongles as not all hardware comes with a biometric reader and older PCs may not support peripheral devices.

Mobile Apps are the easiest way to get a second factor. The app gets a "pushed" request  from the IdP, presents the user with a message they must acknowledge and this mobile app acts as the thing you have. While possible it is unlikely both the phone and the PC will be stolen and if one is stolen the other is useless without the other.

Needless to say the app must NOT contain either the User ID or the Password, incase it is stolen.

The Sign-In Process

We thought about this long and hard and the process goes something like this

  1. The user Signs-In
  2. The user id and password are validated and the process exits if invalid
  3. Is the user id "active" if not exit the process
    This allows the admin to flag a user as ACTIVE or DELETED thus stopping access selectively
  4. Get the IP address from the posted header is it black listed? If Yes Exit
    This allows us to blacklist known "bad" IP locations.
  5. Get the IP address again is it whitelisted? If Yes send the SAML token with no 2FA
    This allows us to whitelist internal networks as "Safe" and therefore not requiring 2FA
  6. What sort of 2FA PROFILE does the user have?
    This is another special user attribute which can be:
    ALWAYS - The user is ALWAYS 2FAed and 2FA begins now
    NEVER - The user is NEVER 2FAed and the SAML TOKEN is sent now
    NORMAL - The Process continues
    This gives the admin the flexibility to force (or not) 2FA on a user.
  7.  What browser/pc is the user trying to access from?
    I will be covering this in some depth in a later post under "Fingerprinting"
    I can say it does NOT contain cookies!
  8. If the user has a NORMAL 2FA profile the last time they were 2FAed is tested and if it is greater than 7 days 2FA is requested if less than then the SAML TOKEN is sent.

    And that is basically what we coded for.
In the next post I will look at the 2FA process in some detail. I bet you can't wait.


Monday 2 February 2015

Two Factor Authentication And Smartcloud (Part 1)

The next set of posts, the first in over a year, will explore my latest project, attaching two factor authentication to IBM Smartcloud. This is the topic I bored the pants off people at ConnectED with this year, mainly because I am rather proud of doing it and it has a certain XML parsed coolness. So without further ado this is the first post of a multiple series that tells the story of how I added two factor authentication to Smartcloud for less than $20 Alterian dollars a day.


A. SmartCloud does not have it.
B. Google / Office 365 etc do have it.
C. Smartcloud is considered less secure because it does not have it and the others do.

Now whether or not C is actually the case is a moot point. When you line up a comparison table of functions available from the enterprise cloud providers. CIOs and CTOs notice that Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is missing in the Smartcloud column and they consider that to be a failing. A failing, sufficiently notable, to discount Smartcloud from consideration as a cloud based solution.

Such was the thinking in my case. Whilst a Hybrid model Smartcloud deployment ticked all the boxes for user functionality: Notes Mail, Calendar, To Do, Contacts, Connections, Files, Sametime, Meetings, Traveler, Connections Mobile and support for the myriad of our own applications. All this was for nothing if Smartcloud was considered less secure because of the absence of 2FA.

The addendum to the 2FA requirement was, as Google et al had 2FA built in as part of the subscription price any solution we provided needed to be without a noticeable increase in cost per user per month.


Well that stinger of minimal cost was the Prime Directive as far as our solution was concerned. There are plenty of Identity Providers (idP) out there that will supply you with 2FA facilities however these will cost you money, $2-$10 per user per month. So by definition these solutions however laudable were outside the bounds of consideration.

We had to this ourselves and we had to do it quickly.

Smartcloud allows for Federated Logon, where the sign-in process is passed to a third party IdP and once it has done all that it needs to do to verify the user's identity it passes a SAML token back to Smartcloud (aka the service provider SP) which allows the user to log on.

The Smartcloud servers do not care what the IdP does other than it has to pass a properly formatted SAML token back to the cloud. What we needed was something we could host on-prem that would validate the user and when required process the 2FA.

Smartcloud has several flavours of Federation

  • Normal - All users use Smartcloud for Sign-In
  • Federated - All users use a third party IdP to Sign-In
  • Hybrid - The user can choose to log on from either the third party IdP or Smartcloud
  • Partial - The Admins chooses the server the user will use to Sign-In
The best fit for our purposes was Partial as this left the choice of security to the Admin teams and as such we could enforce the security policies in such a way that we could guarantee that they were being followed while still leaving the option to switch a user back to IBM only security validation should the need arise. (eg a catastrophic failure of the on-prem IdP)

So with that taken care of we now had to select an IdP that would allow us to:
  1. Validate the user with the first factor (Userid and Password) 
  2. Allow us to control the 2FA process using a second factor
  3. Send IBM a properly formed SAML token

Validating the User with the first factor

There are four things to consider here.
  1. The data source that we will store the data attributes of the users
  2. The code that does the Initial Validation
  3. The code that does the 2FA
  4. The code that creates the SAML Token
The data store can be anything DB2, MsSQL, MySQL, LDAP. However as we shall see in a later post there are user attributes and separate session attributes the complexity of which made me discount LDAP as a data source.

The code was a thorny problem, while some platforms allow for user validation and SAML token production they do not provide easy hooks that allow you to interrupt the Sign-In process and insert the 2FA process and rightly so as this would be a security hole.The complexity of this avenue was discounted, although may want to explore it further.

My core competencies are in RPG/DB2, PHP/DB2 and PHP/MySQL and both allow for complex coding and data stores. The deciding factor was the production of the SAML token. There is an excellent open source SAML framework called SimpleSAMLphp This Framework allows you to create an IdP that will do the first factor (Username and Password) validation, allows you to add in your Second Factor Authentication code and produce a correctly formed SAML token which is posted to the Smartcloud all using PHP.


The platform choice was an internal one, we were already using our System i's for other web purposes and running the IdP on an SSLed port other than 443 while not impossible was going to be awkward because of the format of the URLs the SAML exchange requires. So the platform of choice for us was a LAMP server again because after System i, this is were our core competencies lie.


So we now had a starting point. A LAMP server with SimpleSAMLphp installed storing all the data we need in MySQL tables. Next we moved on to defining the Sign-In Process in detail and that we will explore in the next post.


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